Understanding the story of Monongahela Rye is key to fully appreciating the evolution of Bourbon and American Whiskey.
For this piece, we had the opportunity to work with the staff at the Bradford House and Whiskey Rebellion History Center museums in Washington, Pennsylvania. As a result, it contains some great historical insights.
If you want to further your whiskey education, make a trip to Washington to visit both of these museums and some of the Western Pennsylvania distilleries that are working to put Monongahela Rye Whiskey back on the map.
Thanks to the Bradford House Museum staff. Stay tuned in the months ahead as we dive into some of the production specifics that make this sub-category unique and go behind the scenes with some of the local brands resurrecting the local distilling scene.
Gentlemen Ranters, 'The Whiskey Rebellion'
Historical Footnote or Resurgent Category?
Thanks again to the Bradford House Museum and Gentlemen Ranters for helping me pull this fun article together.
A fascination with the chemistry involved in distillation, combined with a passion for history and the challenge of describing sensory evaluation to an audience reading from the page is what drew me into the beverage industry. Helping to share the important role the Western Pennsylvania region played in America's whiskey history is icing on the cake.
Check out the article and let me know what you think!